A people called by the FATHER in JESUS CHRIST to become a COMMUNITY of persons with FULLNESS OF LIFE, witnessing to the KINGDOM OF GOD by living the PASCHAL MYSTERY in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT with MARY AS COMPANION
Through the ever-encompassing love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the SHJCS is committed to:
1. Promote religion as the heart of the curriculum by providing a nurturing Catholic learning environment & fostering Gospel values and well-being.
2. Develop holistic individuals that will become persons of character and competence.
3. Produce graduates who will become productive and responsible servant leaders.
4. Promote love of country and nationalism.
5. Exercise efficient management and delivery of services.
Inflamed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inspired of the APOSTOLIC VISON of the Archdiocese of Manila and in adherence to the thrusts of RCAM ES, the SHJCS envisions itself as a Catholic Educational Institution that proclaims the Gospel, forms human persons and renews the Church and Nation.